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Customer Service

IS operates a 24/7 Customer Service Centre (CSC), staffed with qualified Technical Support Engineers at all times. During normal business hours from 07H30 - 17H30 the Technical Support Engineers are supported and assisted by a team of Customer Account Managers who liaise with and keep clients informed of support related queries and support interventions. SLA contracted clients all benefit from having an appointed Customer Account Manager taking care of their services and communication with IS.


Creating Business Advantage

Internet Solutions (IS) gives your business ability to securely communicate between branches trough a MPLS VPN offering. MPLS VPN also allows secure, resilient and scalable IP connectivity between branches anywhere in Mozambique, South Africa or the world, over a single managed IP network. Its flexible nature, meets the changing needs of business to carry and provide priority to business-critical applications. Furthermore, performance and availability is guaranteed through an all-encopassing Service Level Agreement (SLA).


  Managed Services
  Private VPN Connectivity
  High Speed MPLS Backbone
  Scalable Service
  Single Service Aggregator
  Business Continuity


  Class of Service
  Managed Router
  Up-to-date Reporting
  24 / 7 / 365 Support
  Online Client Interface
  Service Level Agreements

FAX 2 E-MAIL : This is a digital free service that enables you receive fax's anywhere and any time on your email. All you need is to register your details and the service becomes active imediately.


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